Patrish Kuebler

Patrish Kuebler

Patricia is a native Californian.  Her generation seemed to produce only girls named Patricia and boys named Patrick.  What to do when you can’t stand being called Pat?  Try going by her nickname Patrish, and after many decades, it sometimes works!  But, that’s another story.

Years pass:  work, marriage, children, back to school, 22 years as a Maternal/Child R.N., then the move to magical Ojai in 1999.  Ojai, with its varied beauty, is a place of constant inspiration - one that compels this artist to capture with pastel, or encaustic, those special “awe” or “ah” moments in life.  The transition from nursing to artist was fueled by great teachers at V.C.C. and from many wonderful instructors, such as Bert Collins, Sally Strand, Sylvia Torres, and Richard McKinley.

Patrish is an active member of the Art community.  She is a long standing member of Ojai Studio Artists, Ventura County Pastel Artists, and the Pastel Society of the Gold Coast.

Her work can be viewed at: and

Note: "Regarde Les Beaux Coquelicots," by Patrish Kuebler can be  seen on the Gallery and in the slide show on the Home page.
    To return to the Gallery, click on "Regarde Les Beaux Coquelicots."
                                       To return to the slide show, 
               click on the "Home" button at the top of this page.
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